About Mpox (Monkeypox/MPXV)
What is Mpox (Monkeypox/MPXV)?
Mpox (Monkeypox) is a rare viral infection that does not spread easily between people and is usually associated with travel to Central or West Africa, where it is endemic.
In 2022, cases of Mpox were identified in several non-endemic countries, including Australia and several European countries and the United States. We have had a limited cases of Mpox in Queensland but there is always a risk of of further and increasing local community transmission.
All Queensland cases have been acquired in Australia and are associated with intimate or sexual contact. This strain of Mpox typically presents with mild symptoms of fever, headache, muscle aches, swollen lymph nodes or fatigue, followed by a skin rash or lesions.
Mpox (Monkeypox/MPXV) Vaccinations
There is a safe and effective vaccine, named JYNNEOS, which protects people against Mpox. Queensland has plenty of vaccine supply, so now is the perfect time to get vaccinated against Mpox.
In Queensland, and with most other parts of Australia, a two-dose vaccine, given 28 days apart, is offered to all gay, bisexual men and men who have sex with men (cis and trans) as well as anyone who has sex with these men, including women (cis and trans), non-binary people and sex workers. This vaccination is free through public health facilities and outreach clinics.
Vaccination can also be offered to people that have had sexual partners with confirmed Mpox cases. This should help ensure the illness is milder or reduce their chance of developing symptoms altogether. This is known as PEP (post-exposure prophylaxis).
The vaccine used for Mpox (Monkeypox/MPXV) is JYNNEOS – Bavarian Nordic (BN) product that is safe to use in people who are immunocompromised, which includes some people with HIV.
As mentioned, the vaccine is a two-dose vaccine, with at least 28 days between each dose. People will start to build protection in the days and weeks after their first dose but will not have full immunity from the vaccine until two weeks after the second dose.
It’s important to ensure you do receive both doses of the vaccine to maximise your protection against Mpox.
How is Mpox (Monkeypox/MPXV) Transmitted?
Transmission is through skin-to-skin contact with sores and/or scabs and/or bodily fluids from someone with Mpox.
Person-to-person transmission of Mpox can occur in several ways:
You can reduce your risk of contracting Mpox by:
What are the Symptoms of Mpox (Monkeypox/MPXV)?
Something as benign as a pimple could be Mpox.
Mpox can start as a general illness that seems like a cold that develops into a rash of disk-like pimples that covers areas of your body.
Symptoms include a fever, headache, muscle aches, low energy, swollen lymph nodes and a skin rash or lesions (these are similar to COVID or the flu).
These pimples will then crust over, become sores, and eventually your skin will heal. This process usually takes two to three weeks to complete.
How long does it take to show up?
Prior to the the 2022 global outbreak, it usually took about 5 to 13 days after Mpox got into your body for symptoms to show up – but symptoms can develop in just 4 days or take as long as 21 days to show. With the 2022 global outbreak, it often took 7 to 10 days for symptoms to appear.
What symptoms should I look for?
How long can Mpox be passed on if someone has it?
If you have MPox avoid sexual contact with other people until symptoms resolve.
If you have been told you are contact with someone with a confirmed case of Mpox, avoid sexual contact for 21 days and monitor for symptoms.
MPox can be passed on whilst someone has symptoms: that is from when symptoms first appear and all the way through until the skin has healed completely – looking just like it did before the Mpox rash.
Is Mpox (Monkeypox/MPXV) Treatable?
Most Mpox is mild and can be treated at home with drinking enough water, taking paracetamol or ibuprofen, and rest. Please seek medical advice if you suspect Mpox.
Serious cases can be treated by a doctor with special training in infectious diseases.
Mild Illness
Most people experience a mild illness, and if this is you, all you have to do is rest, make sure you’re drinking enough water, and manage pain and fever with paracetamol or ibuprofen. Getting better usually takes a few weeks.
Severe illness and/or for people with weakened immune systems
Some treatment options exist; however, this requires the expertise of a doctor that has special training in infectious diseases. If this is you, it is best to consult your GP or sexual health service to find out more.
Hooking Up?
It’s important we all continue to be self-aware of our health, remain vigilant for symptoms and take precautions as needed.
When hooking up, exchange contact information with your partner/s.
This will assist with contact tracing and help slow the spread of Mpox.
Because of the close contact with other people that comes with having sex, it is possible that Mpox could get into your body during sex if one or more of your sexual partners have Mpox.
At this time, sexual contact with multiple partners presents a higher likelihood of MPox transmission. As we wait for more vaccines to arrive, consider reducing your sexual partners for the time being. This will lessen your risk of exposure to MPox.
Consider limiting your hook-ups to people you know. Creating a bubble will reduce the likelihood of exposure to Mpox. Remember: this is not forever and that it’s only temporary. But this will help slow the spread of Mpox.
Easy ways you can reduce your risk from Mpox, and slow the spread in our community include:
Been or Going Travelling?
Are you a returned traveller from places with Mpox outbreaks and you hooked up or attended sex parties, saunas or sex clubs while away? Then reduce your hook-ups when you get home. It is recommended that you hold off from sex for 14 days so you can monitor your health. If symptoms develop, seek medical attention immediately.
Been a Close Contact?
Contacts of people with confirmed cases of Mpox should avoid sexual contact for 21 days and monitor for symptoms.
If you have been identified as a close contact of someone who has tested positive for MPox, you will receive a call from Queensland Health’s Public Health team. Follow the Public Health team’s recommendations, including instructions on limiting your movements, and if and when and how to attend a sexual health service for review.
Got Symptoms?
If you live with other people, if possible, it would be best to isolate yourself in a room or area that is separate from the rest of your household. If this isn’t possible, you can minimise the risk of transmission by wearing longer clothing that covers the body and by wearing a face mask. Regular hand washing, wearing gloves for direct contact, and cleaning common surfaces will minimise the likelihood of passing MPox to the people you live with.
Follow instructions from your health care practitioner during your self-isolation and recovery. If you are living with HIV and require support, please contact us, we are here to help, but do contact 13 HEALTH or your local clinic first.
People who have contracted Mpox should not engage in any sexual activity while infectious. Avoid kissing and touching each other’s bodies – especially any rash or sores. Do not share things like sex toys or fetish gear during this time. As Mpox may remain present in semen and other genital excretions, people who have recovered should use condoms for twelve weeks after recovery, and avoid donations of blood, semen and organs in this period too. This is a precaution to reduce the risk of spreading infection to others.
Mpox (Monkeypox/MPXV) in Queensland
HIV and Mpox (Monkeypox/MPXV)
We know that people living with HIV do make up a higher than expected number of cases from outbreaks in Europe and the Americas. Why this is isn’t well understood, as most is based on research in countries where access to HIV treatment is low, which is very different to how we manage HIV in Australia.
At the moment people living with HIV should follow the same advice as the general population.
Should evidence emerge that people with suppressed immune systems are at greater risk of Mpox, or ill-health from catching the virus, then updated information and advice will be made available.
Mpox (Monkeypox/MPXV) Resources
Vaccination Resources
Government MPox Health Resources
QPP & Community MPox Health Resources
MPox Fact Sheets
Chlamydia is a very common bacterial STI, and often people do not realise they have it. It can affect women and men of all ages, but most frequently occurs in young people who regularly change sexual partners. It can usually be easily treated.
Gonorrhoea is a common bacterial STI, and doesn’t always have symptoms. It can affect anyone, regardless of gender, who has any kind of unprotected sex (without condoms) with someone who has the infection. It can be treated with antibiotics.
Syphilis is a bacterial infection that can affect both men and women. Syphilis is transmitted through close skin-to-skin contact and is highly contagious when the syphilis sore (chancre) or rash is present.