QPP COVID-19 Community Update – 23 March 2020

The health and wellbeing of our staff, clients, and the community during the current COVID-19 pandemic is our number one priority.  We have been actively monitoring, implementing risk management strategies and planning for all stages of this rapidly evolving situation.

With this duty of care at the forefront of our minds, QPP is responding by proactively embracing public health measures and temporarily changing the way we deliver some of our services.

The purpose of these response measures is to protect vulnerable members of our community and slow the spread of the virus, so it does not overwhelm the Australian health system.

QPP has put all social group, community consultations and other group meetings on hold until further notice. However, we have developed innovative solutions to deliver our services in different ways to ensure continuity and maintain our focus on support for people living with HIV and prevention.

Life + Program

Individualised services such as case management and peer navigation will continue to be provided as much as possible.  Each person’s needs and circumstances will be assessed to determine how best to deliver the services – by phone/text or online format such as video chat, and in person if required. If you are experiencing any challenges in accessing HIV medications, food, are homeless or have any other current supports please contact our case management team on 1800 636 241 or at referrals@qpp.org.au

If you are experiencing increased stress or anxiety in relation to HIV & COVID19 please reach out to our Peer Navigation team, also people living with HIV. They are here to provide you with emotional and social support online or by phone. Chat online now with one of our Peer Navigators by visiting our website qpp.org.au or phone 1800 636 241 or email referrals@qpp.org.au.

RAPID HIV/STI Testing Program

QPP’s RAPID HIV/STI testing program remains open at this stage with additional triage protocols in place and we are limiting the numbers of clients in the waiting room. We are also exploring a range of alternative HIV/STI testing models such as the online ordering of self-testing kits.

Please go the RAPID website for up to date information on services.

The Queensland Health website and the Australian Government website remains the latest source of information and we encourage you to stay updated as information and resources are added.

Please see the additional following websites for the most up to date information and resources on COVID-19 and HIV:

In these times of uncertainty and turmoil, disruption and fear can occur. However, it is important that we remain authentically connected to our shared humanitarian values of freedom, respect, equality and dignity.  To maintain social cohesion, it will be vital that human rights remain at the forefront of our minds and that we work together in the spirit of co-operation and togetherness that has seen us overcome difficult times in our past.  Stigmatising behaviour of people with COVID-19 may occur in society, so let’s all work together to reduce that with compassion, because we’ve all seen how that’s negatively played out in the past.

We will continue to provide regular updates as this situation progresses and we continue to innovate and find silver linings in these challenging times.

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