QPP would like to acknowledge that we are on ‘alert’ at the moment with the 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID19) Some PLHIV may be feeling particularly vulnerable, especially if you have several health co-morbidities and are of older age. COVID-19 is a new virus and respiratory illness and there is some uncertainty about what will happen and how fast the virus may spread to Australia.
Reassuringly, there has been no evidence of sustained human to human transmission of the virus in the Australian community to date. The Australian and Queensland Governments are confirming that the isolation procedures have been highly effective and are ensuring the safety and welfare of the Australian community.
However, if a global pandemic develops, it would be challenging to prevent widespread community transmission in Australia.
Accordingly, Australia is engaging in pandemic preparedness activities and response work is being undertaken across Queensland.
So, what can we do now?
The most important way to prevent the spread of either the flu or coronavirus is to practice good hand and respiratory hygiene:
- Frequently washing hands thoroughly for at least 20 seconds with soap and water or alcohol-based hand rubs
- Covering your nose and mouth when coughing or sneezing with a tissue or a flexed elbow – discard tissues immediately and wash hands.
- Stay one metre away from people coughing or sneezing.
- Try to avoid touching your face as this may transfer organisms to your mouth, nose and eyes from surfaces you may have touched.
- If you are unwell with a fever and cough, stay at home and seek medical advice early.
Being prepared is about talking with your doctor about staying up to date with your vaccinations, including the annual flu vaccine.
We also have a window of opportunity to make some other practical preparations should this situation continue for some time or if we experience local waves of transmission.
- Ensure you have good supplies of HIV and other medications.
- If you are travelling – keep up to date with self-quarantine requirements.
- Slowly stock up on non-perishable food.
What is QPP doing?
QPP is closely monitoring the constantly changing situation through working with Queensland Health and our sister organisations and peaks in Queensland and around Australia. We are also developing an organisational response plan should there be disruption to QPP or other services and supplies around us.
QPP is continuing with business as usual at this stage and we will keep you updated should there be any changes to our services and operations.
What is happening with the social groups in the meantime?
QPP will contact social group coordinators to discuss individual group plans in relation to social group events and will update the QPP website on status of individual social groups.
Keep track of events and social groups at https://www.qpp.org.au/events/
Further information and advice
For further information on who is at high risk, transmission and prevention – please click to the Australian Government webpage, which is updated daily.
There is a 24/7 Coronavirus Health Information Line – 1800 020 080
Queensland Health have prepared a number of fact sheets and Frequently Asked Questions are also available – please click here to visit the Queensland Health website.
For a factsheet about the 2019 novel coronavirus and people on antiviral medication (HIV treatment, HCV treatment, as well as HIV PrEP) – please click to the AFAO, ASHM, NAPWHA Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) sector release
The Australasian Society for HIV, Viral Hepatitis and Sexual have also released Information for clinicians and patients.
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