QPP COVID-19 Community Update – 25th August 2020

Our Current Activities

The health and wellbeing of our staff, clients, and the community during the current COVID-19 pandemic is our number one priority. We have been actively monitoring, implementing risk management strategies and planning for all stages of this rapidly evolving situation.

With this duty of care at the forefront of our minds, QPP has responded by proactively modifying the way we deliver services, implementing organisational public health procedures and embracing public health measures. We want to emphasise that we are continuing to deliver our services through slightly modified ways.

The purpose of these response measures is to protect vulnerable members of our community and slow the spread of the virus, so it does not overwhelm the Australian health system.

Currently, QPP social groups are being held online and other group meetings will remain on hold until further notice. Information about our online social groups and the link to register is published on our website under events and on our Facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/queenslandpositivepeople/

If you would like to participate in the online social groups but need some help negotiating the technology please contact us on 1800 636 241 or email info@qpp.org.au and one of our peer navigators will be able to assist in setting this up for you.

Life + Program

Individualised services such as case management and peer navigation will continue to be provided as much as possible.  Each person’s needs and circumstances will be assessed to determine how best to deliver the services – by phone/text or online format such as video chat, and in person if required. If you are experiencing any challenges in accessing HIV medications, food, are homeless or have any other current supports please contact our case management team on 1800 636 241 or at referrals@qpp.org.au

If you are experiencing increased stress or anxiety in relation to HIV & COVID19 please reach out to our Peer Navigation team. Our diverse team is entirely made up of people living with HIV and are here to provide you with emotional and social support online or by phone. Chat online now with one of our Peer Navigators by visiting our website qpp.org.au and use the “Chat with us” function Mon-Fri 9-5, or phone 1800 636 241 or email referrals@qpp.org.au.

Emergency Funding

QPP understands that the COVID-19 pandemic has increased the level of financial insecurity experienced by the wider community as well as people with HIV. If you are experiencing financial difficulties during these times, QPP may be able to assist you with this through the HIV Emergency Treatment Fund.

The HIV Emergency Treatment Fund is a program funded to provide emergency funding for HIV related treatment and services to all people with HIV in Queensland, who are experiencing financial hardship after all other avenues of support have been exhausted. In order to apply for support from the Emergency Treatment Fund, you will need to have certain team members to apply on your behalf. A QPP case manager or peer navigator, the Queensland HIV Public Health Team or a HIV specialist clinician can fill in the application form for you and ensure a timely response.

You can get in contact with QPP’s case management team or peer navigation team by calling 1800 636 241 or emailing referrals@qpp.org.au

RAPID HIV/STI Testing Program

QPP’s RAPID HIV/STI testing program has reopened and will be operating as normal. RAPID staff are practicing increased hygiene and physical distancing practices, and we are limiting the numbers of clients in the waiting room. However, HIV/STI testing is still available at the Ann Street location. We are also continuing to explore a range of alternative HIV/STI testing models such as the online ordering of self-testing kits.

Please go to the RAPID website for up to date information on services.

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