COVID-19 Risks for people with HIV

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a major impact on the way we go through everyday life. From physical distancing to temporary lockdowns – the impacts are being felt by nearly everyone. For people with HIV, this new virus may have brought up a sense of déjà vu and may cause concerns for people about vulnerability to COVID19.

However, the current research suggests that people with HIV with no comorbidities are at no greater risk of acquiring COVID-19. Research is still being carried out, but for now, this is good news!

It is important to note, however, that people with HIV and co-morbidities have an increased risk of severe COVID-19 illness. These are:

  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Chronic respiratory disease
  • Chronic kidney disease
  • Diabetes

If you currently have one of these comorbidities, you may be at greater risk of having complications from COVID-19. Therefore it is important to maintain hygiene and physical distancing practices.

For people with HIV, it is important to consider what steps you can take to reduce the effects of comorbidities and improve overall health management. This can be done by changing small parts of your life – you may have previously heard these small parts of your life called “modifiable risk factors”. In future posts, we will be going into more detail about each of the previously listed comorbidities and the individual risk factors that can be modified to reduce your risk of having unwanted outcomes in the event of getting COVID-19.

Stay tuned for more from QPP.

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