
QPP is continuously involved in research, projects and developing information that can help people live well with HIV in Queensland. Read the latest updates here.

Category: Research

LeNS – Legal Needs Study

People living with HIV and hepatitis B can experience a range of everyday issues and problems. This includes small, day-to-day issues or it may involve larger challenges. The Health+Law Research Partnership, based at UNSW in Sydney, is currently inviting people living …

Solid Organ Transplant Survey

PhD SURVEY on HIV and Organ Transplantation Researchers at Monash University and The Alfred would like to know your understanding and beliefs about organ transplantation for people living with HIV and without HIV. They would appreciate you completing this anonymous survey, which should take …

iPrEPyouQ Study

The purpose of the iPrEPyouQ study is to help us understand what stops young people accessing HIV prevention services and what we can do to improve access. In particular we are really keen to know what young people think about HIV Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) …

Nexus Research Project

Over 18 years old? Travelled to South East Asia in the past 5 years? You can help! Curtin University researchers are looking for Australian-born men who have travelled, lived, and worked in South East Asia, to explore their knowledge, attitudes and …

HAND Research

QPP & USQ HAND Research Queensland Positive People in association with University of Southern Queensland is conducting research into HIV Associated Neurocognitive Disorder (HAND). We are gathering Queensland community perspectives from people diagnosed with HAND, people living long-term with HIV (diagnosed …

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