Do you find that issues or circumstances are affecting your health and wellbeing?
For people living in regional areas, support may not be as accessible as in the city. The QPP Treatment and Management Support program provides regular visits to areas outside of Brisbane as part of our commitment to support people living with HIV in regional areas.
Living with HIV involves long-term management such as taking medication and attending appointments to help you stay healthy. At QPP we recognise that issues or circumstances experienced in our lives – or even our own behaviours – can make it difficult to manage our health.
If you would like some help to make changes, or if you would like to be better informed about managing HIV, we are here to provide information and support in a way that is respectful of what is important to you and is supportive of building knowledge, skills and confidence.
Dates for upcoming outreach visits are listed below – or call QPP if you live in another area but would like information or support.
HERVEY BAY Tuesday 01 December 2015
BUNDABERG Wednesday 02 December 2015
ROCKHAMPTON Thursday 03 December 2015
To enquire or register call QPP and ask for Sue. 1800 636 241 / 07 3013 5555