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HIV Long-Term Survivors Awareness Day

Event Details

June 4
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About Event

June 5th is HIV Long-Term Survivors Awareness Day (HLTSAD).

We join the world in recognising people living with HIV long term. This day is to commemorate and celebrate the lives, courage, and advocacy of those who pioneered the HIV response.  Those who have been living with the pandemic for forty years have paved the way for research, medical advancements, and policy change.  We respect and honour them, knowing the impact on their lives has been significant. 

For events in your state or territory visit the NAPWHA page.

To participate in a Queensland Positive People Social Group or Training Activity, you are asked to follow these guidelines and understand that adherence is essential. Failure to comply with these guidelines may result in being asked to leave the event.


  • Zero Tolerance for Violence, Abuse, or Discriminatory Behaviour: Any form of violence, abuse, or discriminatory behaviour will not be tolerated.
  • Respect for Diversity and Inclusion: Demonstrate respect by accepting and celebrating the diversity and inclusion of all individuals in attendance through appropriate behaviour and conversation, regardless of race, age, sexuality, gender, culture, religion, disability, mental health experience, etc.
  • Importance of Safe Space: Acknowledge the significance of creating a safe space for all individuals, encouraging social connections, friendships, and an increased support network.
  • Confidentiality: Details of the social group or training activity are not to be discussed outside of the group event.
  • Prohibition of Sexual Solicitation: Social Groups or Training Activities are not spaces for seeking sexual connections or casual hook-ups.
  • Adherence to Host or Trainer Directions: Follow the guidance provided by the Social Group Host or Trainer.
  • Alcohol and Drug-Free Environment: Acknowledge that all Social Groups and Training Activities are alcohol and drug-free environments.
  • Consent: By completing this RSVP, I understand that all information about me will be kept confidential and only used to provide information to me. Queensland Positive People will share information if they are required by law to do so.

If you have any specific needs in these social or learning settings, please reach out to the host or trainer who will be able to assist you. For more information please contact us.

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