Donate and help QPP
Donations to QPP can assist our organisation to continue to deliver innovative and relevant services to people living with and affected by HIV in Queensland.
Our social groups, and some other QPP initiatives are funded entirely by generous contributions from the community and supporters.
Through a secure online tax deductible donation service, you can make a donation of any amount to QPP. Every dollar is equally important so click here to make a tax deductible donation!
You can also donate directly to QPP and our HOPE Fund via the details below, just make sure you add your email address in the transfer details if you would like a receipt for your donation, together with our gratitude.
Queensland Positive People Inc.
BSB: 014-274
Account Number: 498341493
A Bequest is a gift that is made in a person’s last Will. It can be any amount of your choice, whether small or large. It can either be a specific gift (such as a sum of cash, a real property or shares) or it can be a percentage or fraction of the residue of your estate.
Whatever the size or form your Bequest takes, it will make a difference to the health and wellbeing of people living with HIV in Queensland. If you have any questions, or wish to discuss your request, please call QPP toll free from a land-line on 1800 636 241, email or call (07) 3013 5555 (nationally).
Charity Events
QPP also hosts a small number of Charity Cabaret performances each year, with the support of the CWC (Citizens Welfare Committee). The CWC is a community group that has been raising money for the QPP peer-support programs since 1989, providing much needed social connectedness to those who are most isolated and marginalised in our community.
The CWC Charity Cabaret is an evening of drag performances by dozens of Brisbane’s drag community. It brings this community together and out of the closet. There are guests and performers on the night that only come out and frock-up for this event, making it quite the event on many people’s annual social calendar. It is fun, loud and flirty and is a great platform to have conversations around HIV, raise money for a worthy cause; and make new friends within the community. The next CWC event will be listed in our events page.
You can also volunteer your time if you cannot make a financial donation. Other in-kind contributions are welcomed. Contact us toll free from a land-line on 1800 636 241, email or call (07) 3013 5555 (nationally) if you have a way you’d like to help

Become a QPP Member
If you would like to be more involved with the QPP community, we invite you to join us as a member. Members bring strength in numbers and your support is part of a growing group that cares about our community.

Subscribe to QPP
QPP provides our community with important updates, events, news and resources through monthly newsletters, together with occasional messages about significant events, important developments and projects at QPP.