
Donate and help QPP

Donations to QPP can assist our organisation to continue to deliver innovative and relevant services to people living with and affected by HIV in Queensland.

Tow older men exercising, shaking hands

Become a QPP Member

If you would like to be more involved with the QPP community, we invite you to join us as a member. Members bring strength in numbers and your support is part of a growing group that cares about our community.

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Subscribe to QPP

QPP provides our community with important updates, events, news and resources through monthly newsletters, together with occasional messages about significant events, important developments and projects at QPP.

A group of hangs on top of each other

Volunteer with QPP

We know first-hand just how powerful one person can be, but more importantly, the positive impact created when you are one of many who come together to partner with communities and become part of their solution.

QPP Community Advisory Group

Community Advisory Group

Want to get more involved. Why not consider joining our CAG. The CAG identifies current and emerging community needs, and establish strategic priorities in service delivery, advocacy, health education and information.

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