Diverse group of people looking at camera smiling widely

QPP Social Groups

About QPP Social Groups

QPP hosts a number of social groups and community activities each month. Where possible these are in person, together with online groups when meeting in person isn’t available. These groups provide opportunities for people living with HIV to meet others and share their knowledge and stories to develop strong support networks around the state. It is important, no matter what is going on in the world, that people living with HIV stay engaged and socially connected. 

QPP are committed to acknowledging the diverse needs of our community, and are continually adding new activities and information.  We encourage community members to get involved, whether to participate in an event or facilitate a new activity.  We welcome the feedback and idea sharing of the community.  A description of our most popular social groups is below.

Brisbane BBQ

Regional Social Groups

Born Positive

Positive Youth

Transgender and Diverse Social Group

Come and have a wonderful kiki with our fabulous and colourfully diverse group.  Open to all personas living with HIV and their friends, loved ones, supporters, and allies, this social group aims to bring us closer and to also learn from each other’s experiences.  The groups meeting location changes each month so make sure you RSVP to get the location, and for dietary requirements and numbers. You can let us know here or you can email us us or phone 07 3013 5555.

Mature-Aged and Long-Term Survivors

This group meets on the 2nd Sunday of most months at our Manilla Street office. The group is inclusive for anyone who considers themselves mature aged or a long term survivor (usually 15+ years). One of our Peer Navigators, Garth, provides lunch and snacks for a small group of attendees and allows another chance to socialise or to catch up on any news.

Women’s Connect

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