How to Best Support A Loved One

Supporting a loved one with HIV

People living with HIV (PLHIV) require love and support – just like everyone else in the community.  If someone has disclosed to you that they are living with HIV, thank them for trusting you with their health information.  And always remember, they are the only person who can decide if or when they choose to disclose their HIV status to anyone else. Asking someone how they became HIV positive is not important, however your support through their journey is.

The scientific understanding of HIV transmission and antiretroviral treatment has evolved over the last 40 years and HIV is NOT a death sentence. With the modern treatment options available in Australia, which is usually only one pill a day, or an occasional injection, someone with HIV will live a long, and fulfilling life. 

Why your support is necessary

Despite the modern treatments, PLHIV can experience high levels stigma and discrimination which takes it toll. This is usually caused by an overwhelming lack of information on contemporary issues in the management of HIV.

Negative attitudes, discrimination and violence can contribute to emotional and psychological distress for PLHIV, particularly if they also experience discrimination due to race, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion or substance use.

QPP welcomes you to contact us if you require support on how best support someone disclosing their status to you.  We are a warm, non-judgemental team.

There are a variety of tools and information below that are designed to support PLHIV and navigate disclosing to others.

Recently Diagnosed

If you’ve been recently diagnosed with HIV, QPP is here to help with information and support to help at the start of your journey.

HIV Treatments

Treatment for HIV has come a long way in the past four decades, with modern treatments being very easy to take and highly effective.

Help End HIV Stigma

Stigma is a challenge for all people with HIV, but there are things you can do to help, no matter your status.

Peer Connection

It’s important to remember that you aren’t alone and there are supports available for you to access if you do not know anyone else who is living with HIV.

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