Aged Care Navigation

About Aged Care Navigation

What is the aged care navigator program

Our aged care navigator program assists those who are eligible for government-funded aged care services and require intensive support to interact with My Aged Care, access aged care services and connect with other community supports. This includes people who already receive aged care services or other relevant supports.

To be eligible for aged care services, people must:

  • Need help with one or more everyday tasks
  • Be aged: 65 years or older (50 years or older for Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander people)
  • or
  • 50 years or older (45 years or older for Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander people) and on low income and homeless, or at risk of being homeless.

How can the program help?

A QPP aged care navigator can help people understand what aged care services are available and access other supports in the community.

They will provide this support by meeting with the person – this can be at their home or another place they choose – and asking questions to understand their situation.

Aged care navigators can help with accessing services for the first time as well as changing or finding new services and supports by:

  • completing forms and helping to understand aged care service agreements
  • connecting to supports in the community such as health, mental health, housing, drug and alcohol services, and community groups.

Who can the program help?

The QPP aged care navigators program is not for everyone. It focuses on older people who face significant barriers navigating the aged care system due to:

  • Communication barriers, including limited literacy skills
  • Difficulty processing information to make decisions
  • Reluctance to engage with aged care services for any reason
  • They are uncomfortable engaging with aged care, institutions or the government due to past discrimination and/or trauma
  • They are vulnerable or isolated with need for support

Aged care navigators support people who don’t have family, friends, a carer or a representative they are comfortable receiving help from and who is willing and able to help them access aged care services and supports.

How do I refer?

If you know someone, including yourself, who you think is eligible for aged care services and has one or more reasons for requiring intensive support, please contact the team at Queensland Positive People through the options below for more information and we can put you in touch with the most appropriate care finder program. Remember, the person must give consent for you to provide any information about them.

Is the QPP aged care program right for everyone?

Who is involved?

QPP Logo
PHN Brisbane North Logo
PHN Brisbane South Logo
Communify logo
Micah Projects Logo


Growning older with HIV

Growing Older with HIV

As we age PLHIV, still share many of the same changes and health concerns as the general population.

Better Connect+

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Because being active and connected isn’t just good for your physical and mental health—it’s something you deserve. Life is richer when shared with others.

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Mature Age & Long Term Survivors Group

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Red World AIDS Day ribbon in outstretched hands

World AIDS Day

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