Breast Feeding

About Breastfeeding & HIV

If you are living with HIV and you are pregnant or thinking about becoming pregnant, you may be thinking about breastfeeding your baby, and whether it is safe or advisable. 

Many new mothers wish to breastfeed their new baby for reasons including bonding and the proven nutritional and immunological benefits of breastmilk. Women living with HIV are no different, but the decision whether to breastfeed can be more complicated because of the potential for HIV to be transmitted to your baby through breastmilk.

The team at NAPWHA together with Positive Women have produced a comprehensive fact sheet, in consultation with doctors, specialists and women living with HIV about breastfeeding.

We strongly encourage you to use this resource, start a discussion with your doctor or health care team, and ensure you take your time with this decision.  We’d also recommend you consider including this for discussion early in your pregnancy or family planning process.

Having Children

HIV-positive women can become pregnant and have HIV-negative children, as effective HIV treatments often prevent mother to child transmission.


Menopause is a natural part of the ageing process, when a persons ovaries stop working, and menstruation ends.  It marks the end of fertility.

Information for Women

Almost half of the adults living with HIV are women, however in Australia and many other nations, a stereotype exists that HIV only men.

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