Treating HIV

Treating HIV

Antiretroviral treatment (ART) means taking antiretroviral drugs, sometimes called antiretrovirals or ARVs. These medications help to prevent the HIV virus from making copies of itself, which keeps HIV at very low levels in your body, protecting your immune system. Taking these ART drugs carefully as prescribed will allow someone living with HIV to stay healthy and live a long, active and fulfilling life.  

People with HIV should start treatment straight away if they can, but some people may need time to process their diagnosis before they feel ready.  The team at QPP can help you with support and information to get yourself ready to begin your treatment, if you need it.  We can also help link you to a great doctor to find out what HIV medication is best for you, if you don’t already have one.

When Should I Start Treatment?

It is important to discuss all the benefits and risks to starting treatment, and your personal readiness to start treatment with your doctor. Today, most people are recommended to start treatment once a diagnosis is confirmed.

How Much Does Treatment Cost?

Treatment for HIV is available throughout Australia at highly subsidised costs for Medicare Card holders, through the PBS.

Where Can I Get Treatment?

People living with HIV can get their HIV medication from their local pharmacy, an online pharmacy or a hospital-based pharmacy, whatever suits them better.

Accessing Treatment Without Medicare

It is possible for anyone in Australia to access HIV treatment without medicare, in many cases for free.

Drug Resistance & Adherence

HIV drug resistance is caused by changes in the genetic structure of HIV that affect the ability of medicines to work effectively.  Ensuring you are as consistent with your regime as possible reduces this possibility.

Participating In Trials

Generally the benefit of research is that it assists the majority of people and helps to discover new science and evidence for health and treatment for the benefit of the entire population, possibly even yourself. The decision to be in a trial is always your own.

Side Effects & Changing Treatment

Modern HIV drugs tend to have minimal side-effects but some side effects can still occur. This is why all changes to your treatment should always be in consultation with your HIV doctor.

Complementary Therapies

Together with HIV medications, complementary therapies may assist in increasing overall health.

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