Side Effects & Changing Treatment
Side Effects & Changing Treatment
There are a number of factors why your HIV doctor might consider changing your treatment. Whilst the latest HIV drugs tend to have minimal side-effects compared to older treatments that are less commonly used, side effects can still occur from current HIV treatments.
However these side-effects are far less severe than in the past – for example lipodystrophy-related side effects which affect body fat distribution and metabolism are far less prevalent now. Also side effects don’t usually affect the majority of people, however some side effects can be serious.
PLHIV on modern HIV treatment combinations are living longer, this means that side effects can be cumulative and also impacted by ageing. Also, some side-effects related to specific HIV drugs may still be unknown.
Your doctor or clinician is best to advise you about HIV treatment-related side effects and how to deal with them. Your HIV doctor will understand which treatments are linked with certain side-effects and will routinely monitor your health in relation to elevated markers linked to side effects (for example kidney function, or heart disease risks).
Even though there may be some side-effects, the benefit of HIV treatment far outweighs the risks of HIV treatment – but this may vary among individuals and any underlying risks that may be present.
Some treatment-related side effects can be lessened or even stopped by adopting healthy lifestyle habits such as improvements in diet, exercise, reducing alcohol consumption, avoidance of smoking, etc.
There may also be effective treatments for side effects that your doctor can provide, or sometimes specific complementary therapies that may help to overcome some side-effects.
Usually if side effects are extreme and intolerable this can be an important reason to switch to other treatments under the guidance of your doctor. Always discuss side-effects with your doctor, even if you are not sure whether they are side-effects or something else. Any new symptom or change in health (minor or major) or pain that you notice should be discussed with your doctor.
Drug Resistance & Adherence
HIV drug resistance is caused by changes in the genetic structure of HIV that affect the ability of medicines to work effectively. Ensuring you are as consistent with your regime as possible reduces this possibility.
Participating In Trials
Generally the benefit of research is that it assists the majority of people and helps to discover new science and evidence for health and treatment for the benefit of the entire population, possibly even yourself. The decision to be in a trial is always your own.
Where Can I Get Treatment?
People living with HIV can get their HIV medication from their local pharmacy, an online pharmacy or a hospital-based pharmacy, whatever suits them better.
Our trained team is here to help you should you have any questions or need support. You can call for free from a Queensland land-line on 1800 636 241 or call (07) 3013 5555 (national). You can also email us or use the contact form or the chat function in the corner of our website.