HIV peer navigator/nurse partnerships research project

QPP an QUT researchers invite you to participate in an important research project about collaboration between HIV peer workers and nurses who provide care for people who are living and ageing with HIV. In future we hope to co-design a model for practice that helps peer workers and nurses combine their strengths to optimise care, reduce stigma and help clients better navigate health and aged care services. 

We are seeking HIV peer workers (e.g., peer navigators), nurses, caseworkers or other clinicians who provide care for older people living with HIV. We are also seeking people living with HIV aged 45+ who have some experience of interacting with HIV peer workers and nurses.

We would like to invite you to take part in an interview, where you will be asked some questions about accessing health services. 

  • An interview will involve a one-on-one discussion with a single researcher. Interviews will take approximately 30-60 minutes and can be conducted by phone, online, or face-to-face at a venue of your choice that is deemed to be private and secure. 
  • If you are a person living with HIV and you take part in an interview, you will be offered a $50 gift card in recognition of your time.
  • You will also be offered the opportunity to join a co-design group. This would involve sharing your ideas and experiences with a group of people living with HIV, nurses, peer workers and other health professionals in a series of workshops. The aim of the workshops is to develop a model of care for peer workers and nurses to work together that could be piloted in a community setting. There is no obligation to join the co-design group, but the information will be available if you are interested.

Download the information flyer here about the research project. If you are interested in participating, or would like more information, please contact:

QUT researchers will not pass on any information about you, or about whether you decide to take part in the study.

We greatly appreciate you considering taking part in this research.

QUT Ethics Approval Number: 7705

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